AdviseIntrinsic Risk Management was founded on our broad experience across a wide range of disciplines, no-nonsense advice and taking a pragmatic approach to implementation to enable you to get on with running your business. By taking an integrated approach to the various aspects of compliance, we reach a practical, cohesive solution. Our consultants are specialists in their fields and work with you as part of the team to achieve outcomes that work for you. This results in reduced costs and a more effective approach to risk.
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FireWe have the experience and know-how to deliver everything you need to meet your fire safety obligations from company policies and fire management planning to compartmentation or signage surveys. We can help protect you and your colleagues from the immediate effects and wider implications of fire in the workplace. We advise on how you can go further than the legal minimum requirement and give you a clear idea of the costs and benefits associated with doing so. With our considerable network of associated contractors and suppliers, we can source the equipment and supplies you may require. Whether newly built or a listed building, we have the wherewithal to help you comply with the law and secure your company’s future.
Call us on 0207 788 7535 or email us at [email protected]
What the law says:The Responsible Person for every business with five or more employees is required to carry out a written fire risk assessment and manage the risks from fire in their premises. They are also required to ensure there are adequate fire policies and procedures in the event of fire and that all staff have been given appropriate training.
What the law is:Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 – the ‘RRO’
What we do:We offer the following fire-related services:
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Health and SafetyEmployers have an ever increasing duty of care towards their staff. If managed correctly, this can be an asset that develops a well-motivated workforce and improved productivity. Different companies have different needs and Intrinsic Risk Management will guide you through the complexity of the legislation to help you arrive at the ideal solution for your organisation. Intrinsic Risk Management will ensure you are taking the right precautions.
What the law saysYou need to take the right precautions to reduce the risks of workplace dangers and provide a safe working environment. Depending on the nature of the work your company does, the requirement differs.
What the law is
What we doAn overview of your current health and safety provision in accordance with existing legislation
Construction Industry Safety
The construction Industry has its own set of H&S compliance, brought together under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM). Their purpose is to put the emphasis on practical improvement of H&S as opposed to completing paperwork. Intrinsic Risk Management has a proven track record of providing a number of services to the construction industry including all requirements under the CDM Regulations.
Among the services we provide are:
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DSEARThe Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations are concerned with preventing or limiting the harmful effects of fires, explosions and similar energy-releasing events.
Examples of a "dangerous substance" as defined by DSEAR include sawdust, ethanol vapours, and hydrogen gas and also include ground gases, such as from landfill. This makes it applicable to many more companies than might be expected. Call us on 0207 788 7535 or email us at [email protected]
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EnvironmentEnvironmental responsibility is a very hot topic currently with frequent coverage in the media of businesses falling foul of the dynamic legislative requirements. Business owners have legal, and even moral, obligations to meet a number of aspects of the law although many companies are unaware of that requirement. The Environmental Protection Act covers noise, airborne pollutants, waste management and GMOs as well as the more expected run-off into water courses. Almost every company has obligations under the Act, for instance waste management , which would fall under the regulations, or the appropriate management of an incident as simple as a fuel spill from a vehicle. Having a consultant who actually wrote the Fire Brigade Home Office manual, Intrinsic are ideally placed to ensure you meet your obligations. Minimising your environmental impact is not only a legal and moral obligation, it can also bring business benefits and be seen as a strong marketing tool.
Call us on 0207 788 7535 or email us at [email protected]
What the law saysThe law requires business owners to identify the risks that their business poses to the environment and to take adequate steps to control those risks.
What the law Is
What we do
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Events‘Event’ could describe anything from a conference or trade show to a large outdoor sporting or musical occasion. Wherever there are concentrations of people, there needs to be appropriate management of the risks and planning in place for every eventuality. Your event may need to be licensed by the local authority and this process may start many months before the event itself.
Call us on 0207 788 7535 or email us at [email protected]
What the law saysIf you are holding an event, the organiser has a duty to plan, manage and monitor the event to make sure that workers and the visiting public are not exposed to health and safety risks before, during or after the event.
What the law is
What we do
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