Environmental responsibility is a very hot topic currently with frequent coverage in the media of businesses falling foul of the dynamic legislative requirements. Business owners have legal, and even moral, obligations to meet a number of aspects of the law although many companies are unaware of that requirement. The Environmental Protection Act covers noise, airborne pollutants, waste management and GMOs as well as the more expected run-off into water courses. Almost every company has obligations under the Act, for instance waste management , which would fall under the regulations, or the appropriate management of an incident as simple as a fuel spill from a vehicle. Having a consultant who actually wrote the Fire Brigade Home Office manual, Intrinsic are ideally placed to ensure you meet your obligations. Minimising your environmental impact is not only a legal and moral obligation, it can also bring business benefits and be seen as a strong marketing tool.
What the law saysThe law requires business owners to identify the risks that their business poses to the environment and to take adequate steps to control those risks.
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